Monday, February 21, 2011

We're Back!!!!!

We have had a busy couple of weeks back at school!  So far we are having lots of fun.  At the moment we are learning to write blog entries and we are writing this together as a class.  Here are some things that we have been learning about lately.

*  Art:  We made a mould of our hand prints and made plaster hands for the wall.  We still need to put these up. We have also done some amazing self portraits of our faces.

*  Measurement:  We have been learning how to measure the length and height of things. Today we started learning how to measure the area of a shape.

*  Writing:  We have been learning to write about our own adventures using interesting words.  We wrote a story about our Kilbirnie School picnic at the park.

We have  been having swimming lessons down at our local pool.  It has been a busy time getting to know each other and sharing our wonderful skills with everyone.

One more piece of exciting news from Room 5.  Today we had some visiting caterpillars from S.K. and her mum.  They are eucalyptus caterpillars and they are very BIG!  We will keep you updated about their time in Room 5.

Please leave a comment.

- Room 5


  1. Hi Room 5

    You are all doing awesome work in your class. We can't wait to see your hand prints.

    From Room 6 the best class in the school! Yeah!! woohoo!!

  2. hi Room5

    we can not wiat to see your art

    from Jordan Ella


  3. wot up room 5

    from Hamish

  4. hi room 5 do you know that a Caterpillar stays 2or3 weeks from R.H

  5. Cool catipillar photos

  6. Hi room 5 we have being looking at our blog from k.w and t.b

  7. Room 5 I really like your blog. I lke the pictures about teh caterpillars.

  8. Hi room 5 I Like the part about the caterpillar called Green starting to turn into a cocoon it was cool. DS
